Many of the world’s leading companies have started to embrace artificial intelligence in their marketing strategies. From large corporations to small startups, there are numerous ways to tap into the power of AI for smarter and better marketing efforts. Discover some of the most successful companies that use AI for their marketing so you can get an idea of what’s possible.

Analyze Customer Buying Patterns

With the power of AI and machine learning, companies can analyze customer buying patterns to understand their needs and preferences. This helps marketers to target people with accurate offers, rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach. It also allows them to build campaigns that will bring in more customers and increase conversion rates.

Use Voice Recognition Technology to Target Reach

Voice recognition technology helps marketers reach their target audience in diverse, more natural ways. This technology can be used to create engaging conversations on digital assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Microsoft Cortana. Companies can also use it to enable customers to interact with brands and make purchases directly through voice-enabled devices. This in turn can enhance customer experience, build trust and loyalty, and boost sales.

Utilize Ai-Driven Tools for Social Media Monitoring and Optimization

AI-driven tools not only help identify the most appropriate channels to reach customers with effective messaging, but also provide insight into their behavior on social media. With these insights, marketers are able to create content that resonates with their target audience, leading to increased engagement and conversion rates. Such tools can help monitor brand mentions and other relevant conversations across the web in real-time, so that companies can act proactively and prevent any negative PR from going viral.

Implement Machine Learning for Automated Campaigns and Personalization

With machine learning, companies can create automated campaigns directed at specific user groups or personalize content to their individual customers. For example, AI-driven tools can help marketers create highly customized emails or social media posts with messages tailored specifically to the recipient’s interests, needs, and browsing behavior. This helps companies deliver more relevant content that leads to better customer engagement and higher conversion rates.

Create Predictive Analytics Models for Customized User Experience

AI-driven predictive analytics models can be used to analyze user behavior and accurately predict what a customer might do next. Companies use this data to create tailored experiences—such as displaying the most relevant content and ads—for each customer. Being able to anticipate what a customer might want leads to more effective marketing campaigns, which helps companies achieve their larger business goals.


Video is no longer a piece of an overall marketing strategy. It is now the central concentration of online marketing efforts. Especially online social strategies. Four of the top six channels consumers utilize for video are social channels. Among a host of other benefits video increases traffic, increases understanding of products and services, increases sales and reduces support calls. If you aren’t using video effectively, you are falling behind.

In a word, “Yes!” The stats around video marketing have been increasing every year and they just keep getting better and better. Check out the most recent stats here, and you will see why. 

As with so many questions like this the answer is, “It depends.” There are many many variables to consider. I am working on an article to help you navigate the process of pricing your video marketing efforts, but in the meantime feel free to contact us and we will help you through the process. Whether you are a potential client of ours or not, I am happy to provide this service to anybody willing to reach out to us.