Corporate Video Production in Seattle

Corporate video production can be an effective way to convey your company’s message and values to potential partners, customers, and employees. With proper planning, execution, and thoughtful editing techniques, you can create professional corporate videos that make a lasting impression.

Define Your Goals

Before you get started, it’s important to define the purpose and goals of your video. What message do you want to send? Who will be your audience? Will this be an internal or external piece? Answering these questions provides a foundation for the narrative, visuals, and music selection needed to create an effective corporate video.

Create a Compelling Visual Story

Visuals tell a story without words — so make sure it’s the right one. Think about colors, fonts, animations, graphics, and other elements that emphasize your message in an interesting way. High-quality footage is also key as it allows you to connect with viewers. Consider using up-to-date equipment and techniques for better production value. Lastly, when choosing transitions between scenes or shots, opt for creative options like zooming or panning out to make the video more visually engaging.

Take Advantage of Various Camera Angles and Movements.

When shooting for a corporate video, don’t be afraid to try different camera angles and movements! A stable shot of someone talking on screen can get bland pretty quickly. Experiment with close-ups, mid shot and extreme long shots. To add depth to the scene, use movement from either the camera or the subject — like having people talking while walking — or panning out from a close-up to a wide shot. Doing so enables you to capture different perspectives in the same scene and keep your viewers engaged for longer.

Don’t Forget About Audio Quality

Audio quality is just as important as video quality. Keep in mind that while viewers won’t notice if your video is slightly blurry, they will definitely notice any noises or voice distortions. Make sure to use a high-quality microphone, such as an adaptive shotgun mic, and limit background noise with acoustic sound protection. Consider investing in editing software and plugins to refine audio and make it sound professional.

Keep the Videos Short and Sweet

Corporate videos are meant to deliver a message in a short amount of time. If a video is too long, viewers will get bored or distracted and you won’t fully capture their attention. Aim for 2-3 minutes for most videos, with the exception of longer explainer videos around 5-7 minutes long. Utilize catchy titles, creative intro effects, and an engaging opening clip to hook your viewers right away.

How Much Does a
Professional Corporate Video Cost?

If your business is looking to create a professional corporate video, you’ll need to know how much it will cost. This guide provides an overview of the factors that can impact the price of a corporate video production, including manpower, equipment and post-production costs.

Estimate the Scope of Your Video

The scope of your video will influence how much it will cost. Consider the following factors when estimating what you’ll need: How long should the video be? What type of video are you creating (animation, talking heads, filmed outdoors)? Are there any special features you need (filming in multiple locations, 3D animation, voiceover artist)? Once you have a clear idea of what your project entails, it’s time to get quotes and compare prices.

Cost Out Production Elements

To accurately assess how much the project will cost, it’s important to break down each stage of production, from pre-production to post-production. Pre-production will involve scripting and storyboarding services, such as hiring a director, graphic artist or videographer. During production, pricing could include HD for filming, audio equipment rental and actor fees. Post-production services may also cost separate costs as you may need graphic certificates or titles/end cards designed. Consider all these elements when estimating the budget for your video project.

Budget for Post-Production Services

Post-production services can be even more costly than pre-production and production services. These services may include adding effects like transitions, editing and color correction, as well as compositing layers for animation or motion graphics. Audio post-production and sound design are also important elements of a corporate video; sound mixing and music composition will require an additional cost. Make sure to budget for these potential costs in order to accurately establish a fair budget for your project.

Survey Professional Service Rates

If you’re still unsure of the total cost for your project, it’s best to get an accurate estimate from a professional corporate video service. First, decide on the desired length and quality of your video before making contact. Be prepared to answer any questions they may have in order to get an accurate quote. Research different service providers and compare rates offered according to location and quality. The price points vary greatly so it’s important to take the time to find the right company with rates that fit within your budget.

Understand Optional Fees and Add-ons

In addition to the base rate for production, there may be costs associated with certain add-ons. These could include licensing fees for music and stock footage, extra editing or creative services, or even pre-production costs such as location scouting. Be sure to request a detailed itemized quote in order to get a clearer picture of any additional costs you may incur. Ask questions and make sure you understand the terms of your agreement before signing a contract.


Video is no longer a piece of an overall marketing strategy. It is now the central concentration of online marketing efforts. Especially online social strategies. Four of the top six channels consumers utilize for video are social channels. Among a host of other benefits video increases traffic, increases understanding of products and services, increases sales and reduces support calls. If you aren’t using video effectively, you are falling behind.

In a word, “Yes!” The stats around video marketing have been increasing every year and they just keep getting better and better. Check out the most recent stats here, and you will see why. 

As with so many questions like this the answer is, “It depends.” There are many many variables to consider. I am working on an article to help you navigate the process of pricing your video marketing efforts, but in the meantime feel free to contact us and we will help you through the process. Whether you are a potential client of ours or not, I am happy to provide this service to anybody willing to reach out to us. 

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