Creating an online course is a great way to share your knowledge and make money. But, how much can you actually make from selling online courses? In this article, we’ll explore the potential profits of selling online courses and what factors can affect how much you’ll earn.

Set Reasonable Pricing for Your Course Content

One of the most important factors in determining how much money you can make selling online courses is your pricing. Pricing your course correctly will make a big difference in your sales and profits. Set a reasonable price for your content that is reflective of the value it has to offer, so as not to discourage potential buyers. Additionally, consider offering discounts or introductory offers to help boost enrollments and initial sales.

Maximize Social Media Engagement

Social media can be a great tool for driving sales of your online course. Leverage platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to promote your offerings and engage with potential customers. Create an intriguing campaign that encourages people to enroll in your course and offers incentives such as discounts or bonus content. Additionally, create tutorials, Q&A sessions, or livestreams on popular social media channels to start conversations about the topics covered in your course and position yourself as an expert in the field.

Utilize Paid Advertising and Promotion Strategies

Once you have your online course produced and ready to be promoted, it’s time to start getting the word out. Utilize paid advertisements to build brand awareness and reach more people with your message. Having a budget for ads will make it much easier for you to spread the word about your new offering. Strategically target the right audiences. Use features like A/B testing to optimize campaigns and get the best results from a paid promotion strategy!

Use SEO Techniques to Boost Visibility

SEO (search engine optimization) is a great way to help your course rank higher on search results and get more non-paid visibility. Optimizing your course page with relevant keywords, improving page loading times, and ensuring that the content is engaging, can all play an important role in boosting organic discovery of your online course. Make sure to include links back to your saved course pages across different website channels as well, such as emails and social media posts.


Video is no longer a piece of an overall marketing strategy. It is now the central concentration of online marketing efforts. Especially online social strategies. Four of the top six channels consumers utilize for video are social channels. Among a host of other benefits video increases traffic, increases understanding of products and services, increases sales and reduces support calls. If you aren’t using video effectively, you are falling behind.

In a word, “Yes!” The stats around video marketing have been increasing every year and they just keep getting better and better. Check out the most recent stats here, and you will see why. 

As with so many questions like this the answer is, “It depends.” There are many many variables to consider. I am working on an article to help you navigate the process of pricing your video marketing efforts, but in the meantime feel free to contact us and we will help you through the process. Whether you are a potential client of ours or not, I am happy to provide this service to anybody willing to reach out to us.