& How One Song Studios Is Adapting to It

Video marketing was unheard of about two decades ago. 10 years ago, no one believed that video marketing would see such a boom by 2020. About 5 years ago, video marketing for businesses evolved unlike ever before, as search engines started valuing websites that have video content more than those that do not. 

That’s when the rumors began, suggesting that video marketing is going to replace content marketing. The throne of the king (content is king) was thought to be replaced by videos. While it didn’t come to that, the battle is pretty close still. You could say that video marketing for SMBs stands as an advisor to the king. 

So much so that Google is about to release a video series to help businesses maximize their digital marketing capabilities on Think With Google. As Google itself is showing signs of shifting from written guides to video guides, there is no doubt that the future for video marketing is bright. 

But what is the scope of this future? And while the future is bright, would it help to shift to video marketing now, with so much competition out there? Here, we will answer these exact questions and more.

The Future of Video Marketing for SMBs

Millennials are too busy nowadays with their lives. Jobs are much more taxing for them compared to Gen Z or Gen X. This is significant, as millennials outnumber both the generations significantly. With less time on their hands and more content to consume, only one form of content provides the time-saving capabilities that others do not; making marketing videos. 

Video aren’t just timesaving but also help brands get consumers’ attention much quicker. One prime example of how effective videos are, are the digital billboards you see everywhere. They are mostly used to play videos, as they are much more likely to grab drivers’ attention, especially when waiting at a signal. 

People are subjected to hundreds, if not thousands, of messages every day in the form of ads, making them rather good at ignoring ads. They are only interested in something new; and video is that something new.

Video Marketing for SMBs:
Isn’t It Too Competitive for New Comers

One of the core arguments against video marketing is that it is a highly competed form of marketing. There are billions of videos on YouTube alone, let alone on the vast internet; how can you compete against that, right?

Fortunately, that is all just hearsay and rumors. If you look at content marketing the same way, there is even more written content and blogs out there than all the videos on the internet, yet it still remains strong. In fact, it remains marketers’ favorite form of marketing! And is, hence, One Song Studio’s favorite as well.

More and more marketers rely on content and keywords to rank their websites. Video marketing is a similar game. In fact, we know from experience that there isn’t even half as much competition in videos than there is in content!

Most videos on the internet are either reviews, DIY-ers, tutorials or other non-marketing material. In our experience, people are always looking for information. If your video isn’t just a marketing video, but also provides value to the viewer, you are already standing out of the crowd! Video marketing agencies such as One Song Studio do just that and more, polishing your ideas and presenting it to the world to be more consumable. 

Value can be anything ranging from more information to a solution to their queries. 

The future of video marketing is all about innovation and adapting to customers’ needs; one of the core needs being time. All you need is a high-quality, personalized video with a hint of emotions and some help from reality; and you’ll be well on your way towards converting prospects into paying customers!


Video is no longer a piece of an overall marketing strategy. It is now the central concentration of online marketing efforts. Especially online social strategies. Four of the top six channels consumers utilize for video are social channels. Among a host of other benefits video increases traffic, increases understanding of products and services, increases sales and reduces support calls. If you aren’t using video effectively, you are falling behind.

In a word, “Yes!” The stats around video marketing have been increasing every year and they just keep getting better and better. Check out the most recent stats here, and you will see why. 

As with so many questions like this the answer is, “It depends.” There are many many variables to consider. I am working on an article to help you navigate the process of pricing your video marketing efforts, but in the meantime feel free to contact us and we will help you through the process. Whether you are a potential client of ours or not, I am happy to provide this service to anybody willing to reach out to us.